A conference on “The new trademark law: first applications. Feedback from judges, practitioners and the INPI” will be held on Friday 8th October 2021 at La Maison du Barreau.
This conference is organised in partnership with the Association des Avocats de la Propriété Industrielle, ICC France and the Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle.
Elisabeth Logeais will gladly participate in this event.
The schedule :
9.0 – 9.15 Opening of the Conference by :
Dariusz SZLEPER, President of A.A.P.I.
9.15 – 11.15 Transposition of the Directive and the administrative procedures of cancellation and revocation
Moderator :
- Nathalie SABOTIER, President of the 3rd Chamber, 1st Section of the Paris Court of Justice.
Criminal Lawyers :
- Jérôme PASSA, Professor of Law, University of Paris 2, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Cabinet Passa Avocats: The new causes of nullity
- Emmanuel LARERE, Attorney at law, Paris Bar, Cabinet GIDE : Invalidity and lapse actions before the INPI
- Christine LESAUVAGE, Head of the Cancellation Department, INPI and Jean-Yves CAILLIEZ, Head of the Opposition Department, INPI: An overview of the new invalidity and revocation proceedings and of the opposition procedure
11.15 – 11.45 Break
11.45 – 13.15 Transposition of the Directive: Opposition, the judicial judge, and the exercise of rights
Moderator :
- Martine KARSENTY-RICARD, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, former President of the IP Commission of ICC France
Criminal Lawyers :
- Nathalie PACAUD and Philippe PICARD, Industrial Property Attorneys, Cabinet PLASSERAUD IP Paris: The new modalities of the opposition procedure
- Charles-Antoine JOLY, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Cabinet @Mark : The appeal against the decisions of the INPI
- Yann BASIRE, Professor at CEIPI, Strasbourg : The infringement of the trademark by other uses than the one operated in the function of the trademark
- Béatrice MOREAU-MARGOTIN, Lawyer at the Paris Bar, Cabinet J.P. KARSENTY & ASSOCIES and Alice PEZARD, Honorary Advisor to the Court of Cassation, Lawyer at the Paris Bar: The statute of limitations for actions concerning trademarks
13.15 – 13.30 Summary of the work
- Jean-Christophe GALLOUX, Professor of Law, Member of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, IRPI

We invite you to click on this link if you wish to attend.