Digital law and IA regulation conference organized by the EFE with Anne-Marie Pecoraro

Digital Services Act, Digital Market Act…: how should online platforms be regulated?
The implementation of the DSA/DMA raises a number of issues, including traceability, new control bodies, freedom to contract and new litigation.
DSA/DMA: what categories of platforms are concerned? Between platforms, search engines and access controllers: what are the new controlling obligations? Increased supervision of “very large platforms”: what is the impact for all players directly or indirectly concerned?
What are the implications for Web services? How can we set up a compliance approach capable of identifying and implementing best practices?
Sellers’ traceability (“KYC”), consumer transparency and the fight against dark patterns: what specific obligations do marketplaces have?
How can we strengthen obligations in terms of moderation of illicit content?
What new regulatory and control mechanisms should be put in place by the competent authorities?
- At the national level: the Digital Services Coordinator (DSA), the investigative powers of competition authorities (DMA).
- At the European level: the Digital Services Committee (DSA), the investigative powers of the European Commission (DMA).
How do the DSA and DMA relate to the IA Act and the Data Act? What overlapping of obligations?
What are the objectives in helping small and medium-sized businesses?
In practice, what obligations do platforms have towards their sellers?
What does the non-competition obligation mean?
- Platforms are prohibited from collecting information on sellers for the sole purpose of competing with them.
What does the freedom of sellers to conclude contracts outside the platform mean in practice? – Sum up the new liability rules
Analyse some of the cases in which certain companies have challenged their status as very large platforms:
The Zalando case, the Amazon case, the Meta case
Challenging supervision fees – How are platforms using AI and the metaverse?
These questions will be addressed by Anne-Marie Pecoraro at the Digital Law and AI Regulation conference being held in Paris or as a distance learning session on May 30.