
UGGC Avocats advised Bpifrance Investissement, Idia Capital Investissement and Crédit Agricole Régions Investissement on their investment in OBM Construction, a general wood construction company

Paris, April 14, 2022UGGC Avocats, a leading business law firm, has advised Bpifrance, via its Fonds Bois et Eco-Matériaux, and the Crédit Agricole Group, via the Fonds Développement Filière Bois managed by IDIA Capital Investissement, and Centre Loire Expansion managed by Crédit Agricole Régions Investissement, in connection with their investment in OBM Construction, a general wood construction company.


The French family-owned group has reorganized its capital, allowing Tristan Lheure, General Secretary of the Company, as well as Elie Syriani, Daniel Venat and other executives to enter the capital of OBM, alongside Bpifrance and the Crédit Agricole Group, and the historical shareholder, the Lheure family’s holding. The objective of this operation is to ensure the progressive transmission of an independent and key French player in the wood industry. This reorganization was supported by Bpifrance via its Wood & Eco-Materials Fund, the Crédit Agricole Group via the Fonds Développement Filière Bois managed by IDIA Capital Investisssement and by Centre Loire Expansion managed by Crédit Agricole Régions Investissement.

The UGGC Avocats team involved in this transaction acted as counsel to Bpifrance and the Crédit Agricole Group in the context of this transaction. It was composed of :

Charles-Emmanuel Prieur – Partner
Laura Malach – Lawyer – of Counsel
Laurie Durand – Lawyer


Other counsel having intervened in the case :

– Squareness with Antoine Fléchais (Financial Due Diligence)

– Orcom (Legal counsel to OBM Construction)


About UGGC Avocats


UGGC Avocats is an independent and international French law firm covering 4 geographical areas across Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America and Africa. Driven by an innovative vision of legal expertise and at the heart of the evolutions of our world, 170 lawyers, including 33 partners in Paris, advise private and public actors in France and abroad. The firm covers all areas of law and gathers complementarity teams according to the needs of its clients. UGGC Avocats guarantees a cross-functional approach and unfailing availability. With a constant monitoring of the legal, economic and strategic dimensions, UGGC Avocats acts as a true leading performance and innovation driver.