
Leaders League 2021 – UGGC Avocats ranked in 5 categories of the Real Estate Guide 2021

UGGC Avocats is proud to see 5 of its areas of expertise distinguished once again in the 2021 edition of the Leaders League Magazine’s real estate guide.


UGGC Avocats is thus ranked among the best law firms in :

Click on the links above to access the full rankings.

UGGC - Décideurs 4 UGGC - Décideurs 3 UGGC - Décideurs 2
UGGC - Décideurs 5 UGGC - Décideur 1


Leaders League analysis:


Track record: “UGGC Avocats’ real estate department assists its clients with their major real estate projects, intervening in numerous investment transactions or complex real estate operations. The team is present upstream, during the definition and implementation of contractual arrangements for the completion and development of the operation.


Differentiation: “Having strengthened its real estate department in 2017 with the arrival of David Gordon-Krief, Sophie Erignac-Godefroy and Julien Mayeras, all of whom specialise in major real estate projects and town planning law, the firm has consolidated its activity on office and logistics warehouse assets while developing its practice in the hotel sector.”


Real Estate Team: 



Tax Law Team: