BJCP – Thierry Dal Farra’s article on offence of favouritism
Discover the latest column from Thierry Dal Farra, partner and head of the public business law and public criminal and disciplinary law departments, on « Offence of favouritism: consequences of the jurisprudential neutralisation of the condition relating to the granting of an unjustified benefit », published in the Bulletin Juridique des Contrats Publics (BJCP).
Offence of favouritism (Art. 432-14 of the Criminal Code):
- Refusal to refer a priority question of constitutionality and confirmation of the automaticity of the unjustified benefit, which necessarily follows from any violation of the rules governing public procurement
- Absence of autonomy of the condition relating to the granting or attempted granting of an unjustified benefit
- Extension of the legal element of the offence
- Incompatibility with the Conseil d’Etat case law.
Read the full article by clicking on this link.