What’s new in competition and distribution law? The UGGC annual meeting

A look back at the breakfast hosted by Michel Ponsard, Malka Marcinkowski, Nizar Lajnef, Elodie Camous-Léonard, Ophélie Sommé, Pierre Sinquin and Pierre-Yves Laurioz.
The following topics were discussed:
– Merger news: M&A reflexes (FDI/Foreign subsidies/Article 22 Merger Regulation/Towercast)
– Digital news: what will the DMA change for the digital economy?
– Antitrust news: whistleblower protection, agreements between competitors, abuse of dominant position and distribution, private enforcement
– Current developments in supplier/distributor commercial relations: commercial negotiations, logistics penalties and controls on payment terms. Thank you to all participants and see you soon for the next event.